
Facing Amputation After a Coral Gables Traffic Collision

According to the National Limb Loss Information Center, close to two million Americans live with an amputation of a limb or finger. Car collisions are the leading cause of traumatic amputations, which are amputations not caused by genetic or medical conditions.

Most car accidents in Coral Gables do not lead to amputations, but when this injury happens, the effects can be far-reaching. In most cases, doctors and emergency responders will try to avoid amputation. However, in some cases it is not possible. A finger or toe may be severed in a crash and doctors may not be able to attach it. In some cases, a limb may need to be amputated to save a patient’s life.

Living With Amputations

While doctors try to save amputation as a last resort, when they do happen they can be devastating. People do go on to have full and happy lives after an amputation, but the journey to healing is long and expensive. Amputation, even when it saved a patient’s life, is still a permanent, disfiguring injury.

The road to recovery after this type of injury is complex. At first, doctors are often concerned about the complications which can occur with this type of injury, including blood loss and infection. If a surgery is needed to remove a limb, there is recovery time after the surgery and most patients need to take medication after an amputation.

Longer-term, amputation patients may need physical therapy to learn to adapt to how their body moves without a limb. They will need to be fitted for prosthetics and learn how to live with these medical devices. Some patients also need counseling to cope with the emotional distress of their car collision.

Recovering After a Coral Gables Car Accident

If you have been injured in a car accident and have suffered an amputation, you may be able to seek compensation if your collision and injuries were caused by someone’s negligence. You may be able to recover damages for current and future loss, including:

  • Pain and suffering: Amputations are a painful injury, both physically and emotionally. While no dollar amount can turn back the clock on the car accident, you can seek damages for the suffering you have survived.
  • Medical expenses: Medical costs for amputations are considerable. Depending on your lifestyle, you may need a few different prosthetics for different tasks and you will need to replace and potentially upgrade these medical devices for the rest of your life. You can also seek damages for hospital stays, medication, and other medical costs.
  • Lost income: If you had a physically demanding job before your car accident, an amputation can affect your future earning potential. You may not be able to return to your work, in some cases. Even if you are able to return to your job, you may lose weeks or months of recovery time right after your accident as you heal.
  • Incidental costs: Many survivors of car accidents underestimate their incidental costs. If you have had a limb amputated, you may need to pay to have your car or home made accessible. You may need to pay someone to care for your home while you are in the hospitals. Taxis and other incidental costs can also add up.

Working with a Coral Gables Amputation Claims Attorney

An experienced Coral Gables amputation claims attorney can review your situation and tell you whether you have a claim. An attorney can negotiate with insurance companies or can file a claim for any liable parties whose negligence caused your injury. The attorney’s job is to get you fair compensation so you can focus on healing.

If you have suffered an amputation in a Coral Gables car collision, contact Flaxman Law Group at 1-866-352-9626 (1-866-FLAXMAN) for a free accident consultation with an attorney. Our team has more than 60 years of combined experience and our offices in Hollywood, Homestead, and Miami serve the entire South Florida area.

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