
Articles Posted in Drunk Driving


Preventing Car Accidents on Spring Break

Spring break can be a fun and exciting time, full of memories that will last a lifetime. However, this time of year also means an influx of young tourists into Florida and the Hollywood area, which can create an increased risk for car accident and pedestrian collisions. Here’s how you…


What are Your Holiday Plans? Take a Few Steps Now to Avoid Traffic Accidents

Your holiday plans can have a big impact on your risk of car accidents during the holiday season. At this time of year, a number of factors can mean an increased risk of car accidents. Busy streets, heavier traffic, and hectic schedules all play a role. This time of year…


Preventing DUIs on Thanksgiving Weekend

Holiday weekends can mean an increased risk of drunk driving in Hollywood and across southern Florida. Unfortunately, while many drivers do make the right choice and avoid drinking and driving, there are of chances to make the wrong choices and some motorists do make the wrong decisions. There are several…


Planning a Romantic Dinner? Avoid Car Collisions

At this time of year, many couples are planning romantic dinners or special events with a loved one. While Valentine’s Day is not traditionally associated with considerably higher rates of DUI accidents in Hollywood and across South Florida, the reality is that red wine and other drinks are often involved…


Ways You Can Get the No-Drinking-and-Driving Message Through to Your Teens

Statistics show that while most teenagers understand the dangers of drinking and driving, an alarming number of teens still choose to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. According to one 2011 study, one in four teens stated they would ride with a driver who was under the influence…


Are You Ready for a Safe New Year’s Eve?

Police and law enforcement across Southern Florida are working to ensure everyone enjoys a safe and fun New Year’s eve. However, drunk driving in Hollywood and across the region continues to be a concern. Each year, some drivers choose to make the wrong decisions when celebrating the new year, and…


How to Prevent Drunk Driving Accidents in Homestead and Your Community This Holiday Season

Drunk driving accidents in Homestead and other communities continue to be a problem, especially at this time of year. These collisions are entirely preventable and even one drunk driving accident is too much. Luckily, there are many things you can do to stay safe this holiday season: 1) Install an…

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