
Articles Posted in Drunk Driving


How to Avoid Car Collisions This Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day weekend in Homestead, Hollywood, and Miami is one last summer weekend to enjoy before school starts again. For many families, it marks the start of a season and involves barbecues, time spent together, and time on the water. For law enforcement, Labor Day weekend means more enforcement action…


How to Avoid Drunk Driving Crashes in Miami and South Florida This July 4

Every July 4 weekend, police in Miami, Homestead, and other cities try to prevent drunk driving accidents. Unfortunately, the holiday weekend means more people are drinking and some of these revelers are making the choice to drive home after drinking. Don’t let this be you. Keep in mind that many…


Drugged Driving: A Deadly Danger on Homestead, Miami, and Hollywood Streets

We all recognize that alcohol is a dangerous drug which causes unsafe driving on the roads. There many educational programs in place to prevent drunk driving and strict rules to prevent anyone with a blood-alcohol level of 0.08 from driving on our streets. There are roadside checks and harsh penalties…


Do You Love Craft Beer? Be Careful About Drunk Driving

Craft beer has become extremely popular over the past few years. These beers are crafted by small, independent breweries and for beer lovers they offer a distinctive tasting experience. Craft beers often include unique flavor combinations and tastes that can be very appealing for anyone who is looking for something…


Underage Drinking and the Holidays in Hollywood and South Florida

Many parents don’t want to consider that their children drink alcohol, but statistics show the majority of high school graduates will have tried alcohol at least once and will have been intoxicated at least once – well before their 21st birthday. No matter what your personal opinions about underage drinking,…


The Best Response to Holiday Parties: A Plan for Getting Home Safely

Many people in Hollywood and across southern Florida are planning holiday parties or are getting invitations for work parties, holiday festivities, family get-togethers, and other events. No matter what kind of invitations you are writing or receiving, there’s one thing that is a part of any great celebration: a failsafe…


Drive Safely During the Last Weekend of Summer

Now that summer is coming to a close, many people are having end-of-summer parties. In many cases, these parties involve barbecue and alcohol. Whether you are throwing a party yourself or attending someone else’s event, make sure that you stay safe. Here’s how: 1) If you’re hosting an event, serve…


Summertime and Drunk Driving Accidents: Staying Safe When the Weather Gets Warmer

Summer is a time for enjoying the beautiful Florida weather, experiencing the many festivals South Florida has to offer, and enjoying the sunshine. Unfortunately, drunk driving accidents in Hollywood and South Florida often increase during this time of year. As more people take vacation time and host celebrations, alcohol often…


Do You have a Safe Way to Get Home After Fourth of July Events?

Fourth of July weekend is quickly approaching, and for most of us that means barbecues, special events, and fireworks. Unfortunately, authorities also report that drunk driving accidents in Homestead and other South Florida cities can spike around this weekend. If you’ll be driving to Fourth of July events or will…


Summer Holidays Can Mean A Risk of Drunk Driving: Here’s How to Protect Your Family

Summer months often mean parties, grilling, and holidays like the Fourth of July. Unfortunately, law enforcement also reports that these months can mean an increased risk of drunk driving incidents in Hollywood, South Florida, and across the country. There’s no way that you can prevent others from drinking and driving,…

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