
Articles Posted in Drunk Driving


Taking a Stand to Stop Drunk Driving

The month of April is Alcohol Awareness Month. This month, the National Institutes of Health wants to warn you about the dangers of alcohol to your health and safety. It’s a good time to sit down and talk about drunk driving, alcohol poisoning, and the other dangers that drinking can…


DUI Checkpoints: How They Are Used to Keep Drunk Drivers off the Roads

DUI checkpoints are meant to help protect drivers from inebriated drivers in Miami and other cities. And there is reason to be concerned: According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), in 2014 there were 40,677 arrests for DUI in the state. Drunk drivers cause many more serious injuries, including career-ending…


How effective are Efforts to Curb Drunk Driving?

If you were out on the streets of Hollywood and other parts of South Florida this past holiday season, you likely saw the efforts that local authorities instituted to prevent drunk driving. Since drunk driving in Hollywood and other communities can increase during the holiday season, Florida police and advocacy…


Making This Your Safest Holiday Season on the Road

Holiday drivers face extra hazards at this time of year. There are distracted, ill, and drunk drivers on Hollywood and Florida roads and the roads are often filled with more drivers due to holiday events and shopping. The extra traffic, extra drinking, and added stress can all add up to…


Do You Have a Drive Safe Plan for the Holidays?

During the holidays, drunk driving accidents in Homestead and other Florida communities may be more of a risk as many holiday events include alcohol. In addition, the stress of the holiday season can sometimes lead to fatigued or distracted driving. To stay safe this season, you will need to have…


Does Marijuana Cause Car Collisions in Davie and Other Communities?

There are many research studies showing that drunk driving is dangerous and leads to car crashes. There are also studies showing that some drugs are dangerous and can cause collisions. The research about marijuana, however, seems to be less clear. Now that Florida residents are considering Amendment 2 and other…


Avoid DUI Accidents During the Last Few Weeks of Summer

The last few weeks of summer often mean extra social events. There’s the final weekend of the summer, going-away parties for high school grads, closing-up-the-cottage barbecues; as the weather cools, people will take just about any excuse to host a get-together. All of the extra events can mean more opportunities…


Your Sober Driving Plan for Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day weekend is coming up, and for many people that means end-of-year barbecues and parties. For police authorities in Hollywood and other Florida communities, however, it means extra vigilance. Unfortunately, DUI accidents in Hollywood and across Florida are quite common during the Labor Day weekend, and these preventable accidents…


Drugged Driving in Homestead and Florida is Claiming Lives

Statistics show that drunk driving in Homestead and across the country already claims far too many lives. Many organizations and educational campaigns are dedicated to helping people make better decisions after drinking to help slash the rates of these accidents. However, researchers and police say that more needs to be…


Getting Serious About DUI Accidents in Our Communities

Even though the dangers of inebriated driving have been known for a long time, far too many DWI/DUI crashes continue to happen in Homestead and other Florida cities. Experts recommend many things that can be done to help prevent these types of crashes from occurring. For example, many drunk driving…

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