
Articles Posted in motor vehicle


Car Accidents Involving E-Bikes in South Florida: What To Know

E-bikes are becoming increasingly popular in South Florida, and after a number of serious accidents and even fatalities, cities like Key Biscayne even briefly banned e-bikes to try to figure out how to keep pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers safe. If you’re an e-bike rider injured in a car accident or…


Pedal Car Accidents in Hollywood

It’s not uncommon for car accidents in Hollywood to happen because a driver pressed the accelerator instead of the brake by accident. While this seems like an unlikely mistake—the pedals are in different positions—it does commonly happen and it causes serious injuries when it does. If you’ve been injured because…


Could Car Design Be Leading to More Crashes in Hollywood and Across Florida?

Current research by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety has found that new trends in car design could be contributing to an increase in pedestrian fatalities in car crashes, even with innovative new safety features rolled out by car manufacturers. If you’re in a car collision and you suspect poor…


Do Safety Features Impact Your Risk of a Hollywood Car Accident?

Recent advancements in car technology mean that newer vehicles sold today come with lots of safety features. Manufacturers often advertise these additions as essential to keep you safe—but is that true? And what happens when those systems fail? The Florida car accident claims attorneys at Flaxman Law Group work with…


Can AI Help Us Prevent Miami Car Accidents?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been in the news often in the past year, as ChatGPT and other large language model-based chatbots and generators have captured our collective imagination. In the auto world, AI and automation have already been part of the conversation, as car manufacturers have been working on self-driving…


Mechanical Defects and Car Accidents in Florida

While human error accounts for many traffic accidents in Florida, mechanical defects are also a common—and often hidden—cause of crashes. From faulty brakes to malfunctioning airbags, these silent culprits can turn a routine drive into a serious collision. If you find yourself in a car accident in Florida, you might…


Ways to Avoid Bicycle Accidents as a Driver in Florida

Florida leads the nation in bicycle fatalities most years. If you’re a driver in the state, you have a responsibility to share the road with cyclists and prevent these tragic accidents. You also have the right to avoid being blamed for causing an accident you didn’t cause. At Flaxman Law…


The Most Common Car Mechanical Errors That Lead to Car Accidents

Mechanical breakdowns are a common cause of car collisions. While everyone can make a mistake, drivers are expected to take reasonable precautions to avid putting other users of the road at risk, and this includes taking good care of their vehicle to make it road worthy. When they fail to…


The Most Common Types of Car Accidents

Car crashes happen in every community in South Florida. The most common collisions include: Rear-end crashes, where one car crashes into the back of another vehicle. Common causes for this type of accident include sudden braking, distracted driving, and following too closely. Head-on accidents. These accidents can involve high speeds…


What You Should Never Say After a Car Accident—And What You Should Say, Instead

If you’re in a car accident, you’re likely to feel shaken up. You may feel nervous and upset and you may end up saying things you don’t mean. Worse, you can end up saying things that could hurt your claim and could make it harder for you to secure fair…

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