
Articles Posted in aggressive driving


Rush Hour Car Crashes in Hollywood

In Hollywood, between 7:00-9:30 in the morning and 3:30-6:00 in the evening, there are more drivers on the roads. Rush hour brings with it an increased risk of crashes as more people are heading to and from school, work, and other obligations. If you’re in a rush hour crash or…


Stolen Vehicles and Hollywood Car Crashes

On average, there are almost 40,000 cars stolen in Florida every year. While some are stripped for parts, sold, or even shipped overseas, others are raced on city streets. If you find yourself in a car crash with a stolen car, you’ll want to contact an attorney to protect your…


Red Light Running and Hollywood Car Crashes

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), about 1,109 of the nation’s car accident fatalities in 2021 were caused by drivers running red lights. Florida law makes it clear that continuing to drive when you have a red light is a criminal offence. If you’re injured by a…


Combating Aggressive Driving on Florida’s Roads

The rising prevalence of aggressive driving in Florida has become a concerning issue. Aggressive driving poses significant risks to both drivers and pedestrians, leading to a surge in accidents, injuries, and even fatalities. At Flaxman Law Group, we’ve worked with many Florida residents who have suffered devastating injuries due to…


Common Florida Car Accident Causes

Unfortunately, no matter how careful you are behind the wheel, car collisions happen in Miami, Coral Springs, Homestead, and every corner of Florida. The Florida car accident attorneys at Flaxman Law Group have worked with thousands of survivors of Florida car crashes. Here, we look at some of the common…


What Can I Do If Another Driver Accuses Me of Causing a Car Accident?

If you’re in an accident and have suffered an injury or any car damage, that can be stressful enough. A crash can affect your life for years and even a minor fender-bender can spoil your day. The situation can be even worse if the other driver accuses you of causing…


Aggressive Driving in Coral Springs is Dangerous for Everyone

Our state of mind when we drive is an important element in staying safe on the road. Drivers who are aggressive and lose their temper pose a real threat and do cause injuries and fatalities each year. While it’s normal to get frustrated if someone cuts you off, aggressive driving…


Crimes, Cars, and Collisions in Miami

Most car collisions in Miami are complex and frightening, especially if you have been seriously injured. These crashes can become more frightening and more complex if a criminal element is involved. There are several ways criminal activity could lead to a collision and serious injuries: Smash and grab accidents: In…


Willful Car Collisions in Miami-Dade County

The news over the past few years has been filled with stories from across the country of people who intentionally have driven into groups of people or who have intentionally hit others with their car. Most recently, such an event took place at a holiday parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin and…

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