
Articles Posted in Automobile Accidents


South Florida Car Accidents Involving Buildings

You might see it in the news: a report of a driver crashing their car into a restaurant, office, or other building. It may seem rare, but each year over 500 people are killed across the United States due to these types of accidents. This means that car-into-building crashes are…


What Happens When the Other Driver in My Hollywood Crash is Unlicensed?

After a Hollywood car accident, it’s important to make sure your medical costs and car repairs are covered. So what happens when the other driver has no license and you have no way to confirm their identity? While driving without a legal license is illegal in Florida, it happens more…


Fires and Hollywood Car Accidents

In most Hollywood car accidents, the impact of the crash is devastating enough, potentially leading to fractures, head trauma, and other serious injuries. In cases where a car catches fire in a collision, however, the situation can escalate into a serious tragedy. In these cases, cars are not supposed to…


Single Car Accidents in Hollywood

Many cars involve another driver, but every day some motorists crash into a railing, wall, building, tree, or other stationary object. Many people believe that if there’s no other driver, they’re at fault and they have no claim. This just isn’t true. Even if you think you may have contributed…


Left-Turn Car Crashes in Hollywood

Intersection accidents are common, and one vulnerability happens when a driver turns left. Their actions and the actions of others on the road can lead to an accident, and proving liability in these cases can be challenging. The legal team at Flaxman Law Group has worked with thousands of injured…


Understanding Wrong-Way Accidents and Seeking Justice in Florida

Wrong-way accidents happen when a vehicle travels in the opposite direction of traffic, leading to catastrophic (often head-on) collisions. The father-son attorney team at Flaxman Law Group have worked with many survivors of these accidents and we’re deeply committed to helping anyone who’s been injured in a car crash. If…


Choosing Restraint Systems for Larger Children

Child safety is paramount, especially when it comes to car travel. Safety restraint systems are crucial to ensuring children are protected in the event of a car accident. These systems are also the law in Florida. At Flaxman Law Group, we’ve worked with many families who have been devastated because…


Strapping In for Safety: Safety Restraint Systems in Florida

Modern vehicles are equipped with safety features designed to protect drivers and passengers in the event of a car accident. Among these features, safety restraint systems are among the most important for minimizing injuries and saving lives. At Flaxman Law Group, however, our car accident lawyers have seen far too…


Prioritizing Passenger Safety in Florida

Passenger safety too often takes a backseat in discussions about road safety. At Flaxman Law Group, we recognize the importance of passenger safety and the need to raise awareness about the measures that can be taken to protect passengers in the event of a car accident. We also regularly represent…

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