Articles Posted in Pedestrian Accidents

A new study out of Oregon and Portland State Universities has concluded that left turns are among the riskiest pedestrian areas. Researchers have found that permitted (also known as unprotected) left turns are especially risky. These types of left turns are created to ensure a steady flow of traffic, but if the study’s authors are correct, that speedy traffic comes at a price: more car collisions in Hollywood and other cities.

The study, published by the Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium, determined that unprotected left turns lead to traffic accidents for a few reasons:

1) Poor motorist habits. According to the researchers, motorists who are turning left at permitted turns are 4-9% less likely to check for pedestrians when completing their turn when compared with motorists making other types of turns.

2) Confusing signals. Each city in the US – and even different cities within the same state – have different signals for unprotected left turns. According to personal injury attorneys in Hollywood and other communities, this lack of consistency can lead to confusion and can increase the risk of pedestrian accidents in Hollywood and other communities. Some experts have recommended one universal permitted left hand traffic sign be adopted to reduce confusion and reduce the risk of collisions.

3) Poor pedestrian habits. In many car and truck accidents in Hollywood and other communities, when pedestrians are involved they may bear some of the liability for the collision. Researchers with the Federal Highway Administration found that pedestrians are more likely to be injured when crossing in marked crosswalks rather than unmarked areas. According to some experts, this may be because pedestrians feel much safer in marked crosswalks and may take fewer precautions.

4) Unprotected left turns encourage cars to turn quickly. According to the study published by the Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium, drivers making a permitted left turn often need to move quickly in order to complete their turns, and this speed can mean that they do not take the time to check for pedestrians.

According to a 2010 NHTSA report, 13% of all traffic deaths in 2010 were pedestrian fatalities. That means that year about 4280 pedestrians died in traffic collisions. Experts agree that in many cases these deaths are preventable and could be avoided with better motorist habits.

Some experts believe that permitted left turns should be converted into protected left turns in order to reduce instances of traffic accidents. Others argue that better signals or traffic signs would help prevent pedestrian fatalities. Most experts do agree that some changes need to be made to prevent senseless fatalities and injuries.

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Pedestrian accidents in Palmetto Bay and other South Florida cities are a serious cause of concern. While Florida offers beautiful walking trails, green spaces, and a mild climate that is perfect for walking, pedestrians who want to enjoy the fresh air and get some exercise do face the issue of possibly being involved in a serious accident and being severely injured. Pedestrian accidents often lead to spinal cord injuries, fractures, soft tissue damage, and head injuries in Palmetto Bay and other communities. All too often, these types of accidents lead to permanent or fatal injuries.

There many issues that lead to these types of personal injuries in Palmetto Bay and other Florida cities:

1) Visibility. Visibility issues can make it hard for motorists to see pedestrians. Visibility issues can result from dark nighttime conditions, weather conditions, inadequate lighting on city streets, fog, and other issues. Pedestrians can help avoid pedestrian-car accidents in Palmetto Bay and other communities by wearing reflective clothing and light clothing that is easy to spot.

2) Distraction. Distracted driving causes many car and truck accidents in Palmetto Bay and across Florida each year. Distracted driving can also easily lead to pedestrian accidents. Drivers who are looking at mobile devices, or changing music, or otherwise distracted may not notice a pedestrian crossing and may collide with a pedestrian because they cannot stop in time.

3) Speed. Speeding can make it harder for motorists to stop in time to avoid a collision with a pedestrian.

4) Road and sidewalk conditions. Road and sidewalk conditions are a key factor leading to many pedestrian accidents. Some communities are already making changes by providing additional barriers, wider sidewalks, and other features which can make it easier for pedestrians and cars to share the road. One issue that often occurs with pedestrian accidents is that pedestrians and cars must share the road in some areas due to lack of sidewalks. Providing added places for walking, as well as providing additional walking trails where pedestrians can walk separate from traffic can help reduce the instances of pedestrian accidents across South Florida.

5) Driver error. In many cases, drivers make errors that lead to accidents. Drivers may ignore traffic signals and signs, may speed, may drive distracted or drunk, or may make other choices that affect their ability to spot and react appropriately to pedestrians.

6) Pedestrian error. In some cases, pedestrians make errors that can lead to a collision. For example, pedestrians will sometimes walk in the dark without wearing reflective clothing or will step out between cars and into traffic without looking both ways.

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The holiday season means plenty of errands as well as fun activities. During the bustle of the season, though, Pembroke Pines car accidents are a risk. The extra rush of the holidays as well as extra traffic on the roads can lead to collisions and road rage, as well as other hazards. To have a pleasant and safe holiday, be sure to follow these tips:

1) Be more cautious in parking areas. These can be the site of many slow-speed accidents as busy shoppers rush to get to sales and back home again. Drive defensively in parking areas and keep an eye out for distracted pedestrians and drivers. Park in well-lit areas to stay safe when walking to and from retail areas.

2) Lock your car when shopping and store purchased items in the trunk. Unfortunately, thieves do target shoppers. Keeps valuables stowed out of sight so that they will not be a temptation.

3) Prepare for road trips and shopping trips to unfamiliar areas. Print out a map or use GPS to get to your destination safely. If you are going on a longer trip, get details about detour routes, road conditions, and weather conditions as well.

4) Do not drink and drive. Pembroke Pines drunk driving accidents claim too many lives each year and these are accidents that are easily preventable.

5) Inform someone when you will be heading out for a trip or running holiday errands. When someone is expecting you, they can check in if you get into trouble and cannot return.

6) Carry your mobile device with you, but keep it switched off in the car. Mobile devices are a handy way to call for help if you get stranded. However, they can also lead to Pembroke Pines motorcycle accidents and car accidents because they are a major distraction.

7) Keep at least half a tank of gas in the car when you head out and keep your car in good repair. Having enough fuel to get home (or at least to the next gas station) can ensure that you get home safely. A car that is in good repair is also less likely to break down in the middle of a roadway, potentially causing a collision.

8 ) Consider driving with a friend or family member, especially if you are heading out to run errands or are headed out for a longer trip. Two drivers can share driving duty, which makes it easier to avoid fatigued driving. A second driver can also check maps and keep an eye out for exit ramps, leaving the main driver less distracted.

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Halloween night presents a number of challenges for drivers, the biggest challenge being the groups of trick-or-treaters out on the streets. Hialeah pedestrian accidents are in fact a much greater threat to trick-or-treaters than injuries caused by candy. To avoid a Hialeah traffic accident this year, consider the following tips:

1) Consider a curfew and other rules for teen drivers. Teen drivers are most at risk because they are less experienced. Set some rules or consider having new drivers avoid driving entirely on Halloween night to prevent Hialeah pedestrian accidents.

2) Consider a party instead of trick-or-treating. Hosting a party rather than having children trick-or-treat can be a safe alternative that still stays fun. If you are hosting a Halloween party that is not just for kids, either make it alcohol-free or have a safe transportation option for your guests to avoid the risk of Hialeah drunk driving accidents.

3) Have everyone outfitted with visible costumes. If you have children who are trick-or-treating, ensure that the costumes are safe. The costumes should not have long hems that can pose a trip hazard or masks and hoods that block visibility. Costumes should be highly visible and should have reflective strips to make them more visible to motorists.

4) If your children go trick-or-treating, insist that they go with an adult and in a group. An adult can supervise to ensure that children do not run out into the road while a group of children can ensure that they are more visible.

5) If you are taking children trick or treating, walk along one side of the street before crossing at a crosswalk and working down the opposite side of the road. Children often want to run back and forth across the road, but this can increase the odds of a Hialeah car accident.

6) If you will be driving on Halloween night and Halloween afternoon, exercise extra caution. Children may start trick-or-treating early and not all will follow safety rules or cross at crosswalks.

7) Consider a night in. If there is nowhere you have to drive on Halloween night, consider renting movies or staying in on that night. The fewer cars are on the roads, the safer the streets will be with the extra influx of pedestrians.

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Chicago recently unrolled its pedestrian safety plan, joining the ranks of cities such as Portland and New York, which have their own plans for preventing serious pedestrian accidents. The Chicago plan has 250 recommendations to prevent injuries and fatalities. Could Fort Lauderdale benefit from a similar plan? Some of the recommendations in the Chicago policy could help prevent Fort Lauderdale pedestrian accidents as well:

1) Chicanes. Chicanes are extra turns added to a roadway to slow traffic down. Since in many cases Fort Lauderdale traffic accidents are caused by speeding, reducing traffic speed can be a good way to slash the risk of accidents.

2) Pedestrian islands. In some cases, Fort Lauderdale pedestrian accidents occur because a car enters a pedestrian area. Pedestrian islands keep pedestrians separated from cars and discourage pedestrians from entering traffic.

3) Midblock curb bumpouts. These narrow portions of a street to slow traffic, usually by extending the curb. This is yet another way to reduce speed in order to help prevent Fort Lauderdale car accidents.

4) A system for repairing two high-collision areas and four dangerous intersections each year. The Chicago plan calls for authorities to find and address dangerous intersections and corridors annually. Fort Lauderdale also has high collision areas and areas that are considered especially dangerous. Identifying and rectifying these problems can help prevent traffic accidents.

5) Speed humps. Reducing speed with speed bumps is effective, according to experts, because speed bumps work whether there is enforcement or not. Most cars will slow down rather than taking speed bumps at a high speed, making them more effective than simply lowering the speed limits.

6) Pedestrian scrambles. A pedestrian scramble stops all vehicle traffic at an intersection and allows pedestrians to walk in every direction at the same time. Pedestrians can even walk diagonally. Pedestrian scrambles work because they prevent pedestrians and cars from sharing an intersection at the same time. It helps prevent Fort Lauderdale pedestrian accidents caused by cars turning into a pedestrian area.

7) Road diets. Road diets reduce the number of lanes on some roads, reducing traffic and therefore crashes. Former Florida Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator Dan Burden is a fan of road diets, noting that they improve road safety and may help prevent Fort Lauderdale bicycle accidents and Florida traffic accidents.

8) Roundabouts. These round intersections separate pedestrians from traffic entirely, by having pedestrians stay one car length outside of the intersection. When crossing this type of intersection, pedestrians only face oncoming traffic from one area and traffic is slowed down significantly in roundabouts, which could also reduce the risk of Fort Lauderdale traffic accidents.

9) An improved pedestrian network, including wayfinding systems and better walking access points to public transit. In some cases, Fort Lauderdale pedestrian accidents occur simply because pedestrians do not have safe areas to walk. For example, some neighborhoods do not have adequate sidewalks.

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According to a recent study, elderly pedestrians may be more at risk than elderly drivers. According to the study, conducted at the University of Plymouth, pedestrians over the age of 70 were five times more likely to suffer fatal injuries when they headed out to walk, when compared with pedestrians between the ages of 21 to 29. Jonathan Rolison, who led the study, said that making the roads safer for all pedestrians means not only creating safer roads for elderly drivers but also safer streets for elderly pedestrians.

The research study reviewed U.K. police data for fatal traffic accidents that took place from 1989 to 2009. According to researchers, the results suggested that the risk of fatal injuries was similar for younger drivers and older drivers. For drivers under the age of 29, 13 in 100 million drives resulted in a fatality. For drivers over 70, the rate was 14 in 100 million driving trips. It was when researchers looked fatality rates among pedestrians that they saw a significant difference based on age. For elderly pedestrians, 23 in 100 million walking trips were fatal, a rate that was five times higher than the rate of pedestrian fatalities for younger walkers.

While a great deal has been written about the risk of Miami car accidents for elderly drivers, this latest research suggests that Miami pedestrian accidents may be an even greater concern. Many experts believe that the elderly are more at risk for Miami traffic accidents due to such conditions as dementia, eye problems, and other health conditions which can affect an elderly person’s ability to drive safely. However, some of the same health conditions that the elderly have a disproportionately high risk for also make the elderly vulnerable to pedestrian accidents. Moreover, since many elderly residents of Miami decide to take walks in order to maintain their health and in order to get around, Miami pedestrian accidents can be a significant issue – even when an elderly driver decides to give up their keys and stop driving.

It is everyone’s responsibility to make the streets of Miami as safe as possible, and that does mean making streets safer for pedestrians. Of course, there many things that elderly pedestrians and their families can do in order to keep elderly pedestrians safer. For example, elderly pedestrians can wear visible clothing and sturdy shoes in order to prevent pedestrian accidents. They can also take good care of their health in order to ensure that Miami slip and fall accidents are less of a risk. However, it is also up to legislators and the city to ensure that sidewalks and public spaces are safe for all pedestrians.

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Michael McManigal has created a new app that will allow parents to keep tabs on their teen drivers – and will allow drivers to comment on other drivers’ skills. The app registers a teen’s car and once the app is paid for parents get a bumper sticker to attach to their teen’s car. The sticker reads “How is my kid PUSH TEXT myTAG#.” Drivers who see the sticker can send a text anonymously to report on the driving of the teen. Parents can then read the comments.

Critics of the app say that it encourages drivers to text while driving in order to report bad driving. While texting and driving is not illegal in Florida, it is a practice that is widely known to be dangerous. The National Safety Council 1.6 million accidents each year are caused by texting or other cell phone use on the road. Some critics also claim that the app unfairly targets young drivers and teen drivers, although adults may also be driving recklessly.

McManigal has stated that he encourages drivers to pull over or wait before sending a text when they see the bumper stickers. He also notes that bad driving and reckless driving by teens and young drivers is a real problem – one with few solutions. In many cases, teens may drive one way when their parents are in the car and may drive recklessly when not supervised. Indeed, parents may be unaware of bad teen driving habits until it is too late. The tab does allow parents to keep an eye on their child’s driving at all times, in a sense.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, texting while driving raises the risk of an accident by eight times. Statistics like these make some worry about the new app, but the app has received praise from AAA’s traffic and teen driver safety program as well as from parents groups. One reason may be because while texting and driving is a concern, so is the car accident rate among young drivers. In Florida, according to the AAA, 9% of fatal traffic accidents involve teen drivers, even though teen drivers account for only 5% of all drivers.

Statistics like these have many parents in Florida clamoring for the app. Some parents believe that the app will help them spot troubling red flag signs and hopefully prevent a Miami car accident. Other parents hope that the app will keep their teen drivers safe from road rage, since it will give frustrated drivers an outlet for their aggression.

It is too soon to tell whether the app will help prevent Miami traffic accidents caused by reckless driving. It is obvious that both negligent driving and distracted driving are a major cause of Miami truck accident and car accidents. What is less obvious is a solution that will help prevent more accidents.

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The U.S. Department of Transportation will be launching initiatives to prevent backover accidents and the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has already been spending money and efforts on the issue. Backover accidents are one of the most devastating accidents, because they so often affect small children. These types of Miami car accidents occur when a driver reverses and accidentally hits or injures someone standing behind the car. In many cases, the injured are children. Since they are often small, they may be easy for a driver to miss, even if the driver is looking. According to experts, there are many things that parents can do to prevent backover Miami traffic accidents:

1) Teach your child to never play near or behind cars and trucks. One of the big problems with many backover accidents is that they affect children who are playing behind trucks or cars. It is important to teach children a healthy respect for all vehicles from an early age to help prevent Miami truck accidents and car accidents. Avoid having basketball nets and other sports equipment in the driveway as well – move it to the back yard as possible. Do not let children play in the driveway and be sure to teach them to stay well away from the rear or cars and trucks.

2) When reserving, check blind spots carefully. Make it a habit to look behind you and check your mirrors. Many drivers simply ease into reverse and pull back, especially if they realize they have forgotten something. This can be a deadly mistake – one that easily leads to a Miami pedestrian accident. Make it a point to check blind spots each time you reverse.

3) Invest in a backup cameras. The NHTSA will make the cameras mandatory on all new vehicles by 2014, but in the meantime all car owners can install them for a few hundred dollars. Backup cameras allow you to see the entire area behind your car, and many experts consider them one of the best options for preventing backup car accidents. Even if you check blind spots by turning around in your car seat, the rear end of the vehicle constitutes a huge blind spots. Even if you check for blind spots, there is enough room behind a car to hide multiple children if the children are not standing up. If a child is playing behind the car or sitting down, there is no way to see that child without a backup camera.

In many cases, backup Miami car collisions cause serious injuries. Since they largely affect children and since children are smaller, children often absorb the impact of the car to the head and chest area. Even if a car is reversing at low speeds, the Miami head injuries sustained to a child in manner can prove fatal. Each year, children do die due to injuries sustained in these types of accidents.

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Much has been written about the dangers of careless or negligent driving, where a driver pays so little attention to the road and to traffic that a Davie car accident takes place. Careless driving in fact involves two elements: impatience and distraction. When they are combined, a Davie traffic accident is very likely.

Impatience can occur because a driver is in a hurry, is having a bad day and wants to get home, or is facing slow traffic. Impatience can lead to road rage but can also mean that a driver focuses on getting to their destination rather than looking at the road. It is a type of narrow focus that blinds the driver to what is going on directly in front of them. Distraction can be caused by anything from a billboard to a sandwich to a ringing cell phone. When someone is already impatient behind the wheel and is therefore emotionally distracted and then takes their eyes off the road due to a distraction, a Davie truck accident or car accident is very likely. There are many ways to help prevent impatience and distraction when traveling:

1) Consider taking public transit or using car pooling. Driving everyday to work and back can be stressful and can lead to distraction or impatience as the driver inevitably looks for ways to make the commute more manageable. Taking an occasional break from driving allows you to return to the task relaxed and ready to place your full focus on the road.

2) Consider all possible distractions in the car and remove as many as possible. There are many possible distractions, from food to other passengers, to music and mobile devices. It is a good policy to turn off any mobile devices before getting in the car. Program the radio or music before you start to drive and consider a form of music that will last for some time without you having to change the station or music settings. Avoid eating in the car, drinking coffee or other hot beverages, or doing anything else that requires the use of your hands.

3) Avoid driving when angry or upset. Emotions are a powerful distraction and they can easily make you impatient. If you are already upset about a meeting or disagreement, you will not be able to focus fully on your driving and this type of emotional distraction can easily lead to a Davie pedestrian accident or car accident. Take a walk around the block or spend some time calming down before you get in the car.

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July is National Cell Phone Courtesy Month. Founded by author Jacqueline Whitmore in 2002, National Cell Phone Courtesy Month was designed to make cell phone users more polite about use of the devices. National Cell Phone Courtesy Month is intended to raise awareness about the importance of not yelling into cell phones in public and not using cell phones in inappropriate public areas. However, National Cell Phone Courtesy Month can also be used to raise awareness about the dangers of cell phones use.

Only eleven states currently do not have bans on cell phone use and texting while driving, and Florida is one of these states with no prohibitions about the use of cell phones behind the wheel. While legislators have tried to pass laws banning cell phone use by drivers in recent years, however, these bills have not passed into law. In 2011, Governor Rick Scott vetoed proposed legislation which would have mandated that the Florida Division of Motor Vehicles teach drivers about the dangers of distracted driving. Municipalities and communities also cannot pass their own distracted driving laws under current Florida laws. As a result, in Florida distracted driving is not legislated and it is up to individual drivers to make the right choice to drive undistracted.

There are studies which have concluded that driving distracted can lead to accidents in the same way that drinking and driving can lead to Hollywood drunk driving accidents. In fact, the response times for distracted drivers and drunk drivers is similar, according to researchers, which is one reason why distracted drivers are more at risk for a Hollywood car accident.

Despite the wide-spread media attention about the dangers of distracted driving and despite the research, many drivers continue to drive distracted. One possible reason is that many distractions have become so commonplace that many drivers do not see the danger. Many professionals are used to speaking on a cell phone all day, so they simply carry on using their mobile devices while in the car. Many cars currently made also include touch screens, mobile device docks, and other features which can pose a distraction. In addition, many cars include technology to allow hands-free talking and dialing, so that drivers can continue to use their cell phones without having to use their hands. Unfortunately, some studies have suggested that hands-free devices are also distracting and can also lead to Hollywood traffic accidents since they still take the driver’s attention from the road.

Since it is well documented that distracted driving is dangerous and since there are no laws in Florida to prevent it, fashioning distracted driving as an issue of polite driving may make sense. In many cases, distracted driving is dangerous because it can lead to a driver cutting someone off, for example. Preventing distracted driving not only ensures that drivers are more polite on the roads – which in itself could prevent Hollywood car crashes caused by road rage – but also ensures that all drivers and pedestrians stay safer.

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Mr. Flaxman is highly skilled and very pleasant to work with. He communicated with me at every step in the process, and clearly presented information relating to my case. To anyone considering retaining his firm, I highly recommend him. Clara Barman
THE BEST. Honest, very knowledgeable, fast and easy. has helped me in numerous situations and has never failed me. Joe Gee
Charlie is a very skilled attorney that advocates hard for his clients. But the best part is he is an all around great guy. He cares about helping and doing what is right for people and his community. And he is not afraid to fight against those who do wrong or against threats to our world. He is fluent in Spanish as well. Do yourself a favor and call him. Andy
I had a lawyer on another case and I never spoke to the lawyer and I hated that I never knew what was going on in my case. Mr. Flaxman was in constant communication with me, explained everything to me, and his staff was really great too. My phone calls were always returned immediately. It was refreshing to be able to speak to my attorney personally. I would HIGHLY recommend Mr. Flaxman as an attorney to anyone who has been in an accident. Gloria
I found Mr. Flaxman to be an excellent attorney for my personal injury case. This is actually the second time I have used him and he really represented my interests. He explained everything thoroughly and he was very available for my questions. Carol
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